Customize Diabetic Reversal Program

Hello, Welcome to our Diabetic Reversal Program

Condition Analysis

Detailed knowledge is given to the patient about what to eat and what not to and assist them to adjust to a new lifestyle by making them understand the Low Glycemic load diet concept.

Diet & Exercise

Speeding up the process by hand-holding patients to make them practically implement the diet plan and also guide them about the importance of physical activity in reversal.


The implementation of the correct diet and exercise routine along with right knowledge and self effort brings a positive outlook and increased willpower this, in turn, releases stress and mental blockage.


Patients will notice physically better results and well-being. This helps to build muscle mass and better body balance and happier life. This Shows 100% Reversal.

Diabetic Reversal Outcomes

Increased Confidence Levels

Avoids Diabetic Amputation

Improved Energy Levels

Avoids Urinary Infection

Avoids Diabetic Complications

Avoids Depression

Our Client’s Result

Healthy and active living is everyone’s right unless they seek to live like that.

Metabolic disorders can begin anytime in this day and age of an imbalanced lifestyle.

Here is one of our patient Mrs. Muniyamma who joined us along with her husband to reverse their diabetic condition.

As the saying goes, Prevention is Better than Cure. While curing, making sure not to add more toxins to the body is important. This can be achieved through a holistic approach to treatment.

Watch her story of recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Diabetes is a Chronic Disease ?

No, diabetes is a metabolic disorder and not a chronic disease. It becomes chronic only when it is not treated with suitable lifestyle changes.

Can diabetes be reversed for anyone?

This depends on person to person, their medical history and current state of Pancreas. Before starting with the reversal,  Pancreas Efficiency Tests to be done through blood tests and the patient will be informed about the same.

Can the reversal be achieved ?

Yes, with the all process in place and with unwavering focus, right knowledge and self effort to do so with food and wellness changes our patients have cleared Glucose Tolerance Tests.

How will I be able to identify the right diet after reversal?

Patients will be given the list of foods with Glycemic Index and taught on how to calculate the glycemic load of any food they want to consume.  With this they will be able to enjoy foods and yet know its impact on their body.

What is the duration of the program ?

Depends on the general condition of the patients. It might take anywhere from 3 months to 1 year and may also vary depending on patients physiology.

What is the Success Rate of this Program?

More than 80%

Can we go medicine free after the program?

Yes. Few people depending on their body type and health level can definitely go complete medicine free for life long.

Consult Now

Join Our Diabetic Reversal Program and get rid of Diabetes


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